Friday, February 17, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson's short cuts and cries for help are finally backfiring from his own fan base

 Patrick Scott Patterson's latest

SEE I'm fortunate to be friends with a lot of creative and driven people on here. I see your successes... your milestones... and your struggles and stresses.

Reply: You are very fortunate to be able to live off your wife who appears to be a moderate successful teacher, and her handling the struggles you forcefully allow her to endure such, in return you using anyone you can from their death to their connections for your own agenda and wallet.....

This is for you.

Reply: No this is for yourself to keep embedding your life will get better but instead trying to twist the facts into you being some sort of Philosopher, or  Political expert in which you are just an ordinary person, with many issues and wrong doings........

NOW Nothing's easy. I hear you... you work hard at what you do and you have big plans with it all. But to get there, you are going to have to be willing to take some damage. You are going to learn a lot about yourself, as long as you keep going.

Reply: It must feel good Patrick to say dear diary publicly, and reflect on your short cuts, using others and damaging people including yourself and family in the process!!!

LOOK You have to self-promote. In a world of squeaky wheels, you have to be willing to be one yourself... or those who are will roll right past you. The idea that simply working hard at what you do will bring you opportunities is a myth... a fairy tale. You are going to have to put yourself out there. Some won't like it. Some will think it's being braggadocious or even arrogant.

Reply: So in your opening statement here on this paragraph you admit your have be dirty or underhanded or even corrupt to make it, squeaky wheels are not correct wheels, your willing to roll over and pass others even if it means lying, cheating, stealing and even having accessories help. I love this Patrick since when is living off your wife, and sitting posting on social media 18 hours a day and driving in ur car that was co signed, hard work and yes it's a fairy tale alright... In the real hard working world and honest world, working hard will bring opportunities, promotions and it's no fairy tale, you do have to take beatings and deal with people like you to get there, but just like you in the end they bury themselves!!!!!! Patrick there is nothing to brag about on your end as a matter of fact it's sad many feel sorry for you!!!!! and to boot Braggadocious is not a word. and your Arrogance is a daily issue, even your own sheep followers are fed up with......

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.

Reply: you realize you said this 7 times??????

NOW You have to be aggressive. Little to nothing is ever going to fall into your lap. If you aren't willing to be aggressive, those who are will run right over you on the way to your goal. Being aggressive is going to rub some people the wrong way. It will come across as abrasive to some.

Reply: If your idea of being Aggressive and Abrasive means, lying, cheating, scamming people which clearly you have than that's not a price to pay, it's dirty deeds and evil actions.

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#2

NOW You have to put in the time. That means evenings. That means weekends. That means putting off new movies and hanging out with your friends. If you aren't willing to do that, the people who are will pass you by 100 percent of the time. That means you're going to be tired. That means you are going to have to ignore temptation.

Reply: yes like putting time away from your family, missing life, subtracting years from life, and avoiding temptation like following young girls around that look like Katy Perry and Drew Barrymore in hopes of scoring and calling them your best friends, it's not a price it's called Adultry and and there will be a price to pay to your lord above someday, my guess is you will be extremely vetted upon being allowed in!!!!

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#3

NOW You are going to battle your own self-doubts. You are going to run into your own fears and anxiety. You are going to need to understand that every single successful person ever has had to deal with them just the same. That means you are going to have to force yourself a lot of the time.

Reply: I hate to break it to you Patrick Not everyone has to deal with the same fears, anxiety, because not everyone has taken dirty backdoor short cuts, or lied or used people to pretend they are some sort of Importance, In fact many also don't use the Liberal snowflake in your case cornflake attitude to think it will help them become successful, being fake is not the key.....

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#4

You are going to deal with haters. There are going to be people who rip on you no matter how you do your thing. There are going to be people make big deals over things you find small. There are going to be people who lie about you. There are going to be people who spend so much time on you that you don't know how they have time for anything else. There are going to be times when those who do so are people you once thought were friends.

Reply: They hate you because you don't do legit actions or even care to attempt any, you get ripped when you are caught lying, from scores in gaming, to gigs you never auditioned for, living a Truman Show life will get you ripped, and called out. Patrick nobody lies about you they expose you, and you lie about yourself, you spend more time on others than they ever spend on you, the footprints of your IP address and times are obvious, you lost friends because they figured you out!!!!

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#5

BUT There are going to be times where you come up short. There are going to be things you spend a lot of time on that doesn't pan out. There are going to be times where you doubt what you're doing, or you are going to have to shift gears into a totally different direction than you originally wanted to. This is going to cause you stress.

Reply: Yes like coming up short with money you stole from people for Arcade Repairs and never returned to make excuses and saying you were sick, in which carried over to the late 2000s, of course spending time writing about dead people, fake incomplete historical info, and playing the victim and of course the can do no wrong lifestyle and I am never wrong or sorry, is a potential medical illness, and of course you doubt and change positions like politicians, it's what professional liars do, and your Conscience kicks in no matter how evil you are and the guilt comes into play.

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#6

NOW At this point, I feel I've scouted my friend's list here well enough to believe that all of you can keep going. I see people who I think can do anything and reach any goal as long as they keep going. I typically drop those who I see making excuses or blaming others.... or who stay satisfied with the low-lying fruit. Too many do that.... I don't feel like any/many of you fit that description, though.

Reply: You feel you weeded out normal see right through your lies attitude for sure, and silencing the mainstream majority of logic, while obtaining your sheep in the process, you hate seeing blame and flames put on the guilty people like yourself, you been involved in more dirty situations than many criminals that lurk our streets, which explains why you defend BLM, Pizza Gate, Voted for the antichrist and want refugees and crime and the freeload world, living off govt is the biggest signal sir.

Keep going.#7

Conclusion Below *** ALERT ALERT ALERT ***














Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson Lets everyone know he is mad about being called out for being white trailer park boy


He says:

NOW It's come to my attention that my use of the phrase "rescue" for various games and consoles is bothering some people.

Response #1Which means it is bothering to him mentally in so many ways and levels he must cry about it.

NOW Re quoting the song can't be held responsible just re vamped words like his life and articles.
AND For the life of me, I can't understand why. Of course, we're talking about an Internet world here that has made things in the past out of my socks, fingernails and occasional food habits, so I guess this isn't the goofiest complaint I've heard.

Response #2 There were no socks on his feet on his dirty, and never shampooed carpet, during some backwoods interview. His fingernails are always dirty which would alert a major hygiene issue, and since by looking at a person who resembles beeker and cannot see their own voice box or apple, no matter HOW high he lifts his neck, would indicate fast food 7 days a week, wings beer and junk food....

NOW For clarity: I use the term "rescue" when an item is slated for discarding or destruction... or is at risk of it. The Pac-Man arcade upright from last fall, for example, was going to be sledgehammered that weekend had I not come along.... and clearly the black box NES stuff that sat in an abandoned RV for 30 years was seriously at risk of not surviving into the future.

I use that term only when appropriate and only to create further awareness of the fact that video game items are discarded and/or destroyed at an alarming rate and always have been.

Response #3 First off Patrick you are not saving or rescuing people, animals or anything that is life worthy, you are obtaining, dumpster diving, goodwill hunting and driving around garbage picking, while Melissa Works and you collect wefare, aca, and other assistance, prob disabled from all the wrestling years....

I do NOT use the term, however, when I simply find an item in a yard sale or thrift store or what have you. I phrase those as "finds" just like anything else, because they were just 'right place, right time' things for me.

Response #4 Nobody cares what terms you use if they are correct and honestly nobody wants to read about you crying to pity as to why you use your incorrect terms and change of words on a daily basis

Now if someone can explain how anyone who claims to love video games can have a problem with my efforts to keep video game stuff above ground and in circulation... with a portion of it all going to
 charity no less... then y'all have figured out something I'm missing here.

Response #5 You are not putting efforts for anything but easy cash in your pocket, your not helping anything or cause or anyone for that matter, people do what you do since 1976 and it's nothing more than look at me look at me I have all this stuff that might have gotten thrown away to cash in on, which you didn't speak of at all or do in 2005 all till 2016 Y'ALL is not English btw Patrick

Unbelievable that one word that I've only used for a few weeks could trigger people who you'd think would support ANYONE's efforts to prevent stuff they claim to like from being trashed.

That said... back to it.

Response#6 You are right it's unreal you pretend like your some savoir or doing something good when it's nothing original just another day of copy cat life in Texas!!!!!!

Patrick Scott Patterson I considered that term, but it tends to be connected too much to "trash" that way. Already enough false claims that I "dumpster dive", which is not truthful. It also wouldn't fit situations where something is pulled from a garage or attic after decades... or that nasty ass RV.

Response#7 Dumpster diving is the same as going onto a crack head abandoned old RV that you saw was a crime scene most like u broke the law trespassing, but of course it's ok because you are a known criminal act person.

Patrick Scott Patterson Especially when it's really friggin' easy to just not go look at someone's social media or whatever. There are people out there who you could say I'm not a fan of.... and guess what, I don't ever know what they are doing or saying unless someone tells me... because I don't go look. It's pretty easy.

Response #8 More Lies Patrick you have reported a dozen of Rudy J. Ferretti's blogs and posts and videos nearly every morning you awake, before Melissa makes you, your captain crunch, because we know you have no clue how to light a stove or make eggs, you look and watch and report everything Rudy does....... and others

I think of CM Punk's quote about a parody done of him: "I'm split 50/50 on it. Some days I get real pissed about it, because it's disrespectful. I'm sure it's no secret that the dorks that run Chikara and I don't get along, so they're [sic] judgement on trying to 'mock' me is a little off. Most other days I just laugh it off because nobody from Chikara will ever be over enough anywhere for anybody else to parody them"


Why are you pissed about getting mocked and called out for your ill doings ?
Ill tell you why because you were in hopes you be able to live the dirty underhanded life you have been since at least 2005 forever!!!!! You don't Laugh it off you call people and cry saying I am just trying to feed my family why is everyone hating on me, just like you did with Jace Hall

Just like now your a part of LORT a money embezzeling group refusing to show tax returns and people BIG names like Hollyanne Setola and others left, so unethical people like you can take over!!!!

Patrick Scott Patterson being a liberal snowflake democrat does not care about the vets or military

Of course everyone knows He is a fraud and Money Beggar here is some incite fact:

*** END ALERT ***
Right so Patrick keeps things of value and brings the rest to freaks and geeks to sell or pretend he is doing it for charity so giving away junk to people for a good price is not helping vets, especially the way he speaks ill of our president calling him a dictator, hitler, and worse things.
If Patrick really cared about vets he would take his own GOVT live off cash and donate that back....
When we contacted this game store and game over games and asked they said he don't bring anything here in rude manner lol, yet on Patrick's wall today he confirmed he is using that store, so the workers lie and so does he.....
This little snowflake term he uses as rescue, he doesn't rescue animals or humans or save anything of life worthy,  it's FIND"S electronics and Items are not saved or rescued, they are obtained, found, restored not in Patricks case.....

If Patrick was so caring and worried about vets or homeless, number one he would not be a liberal snowflake democrat, defending and taking part in BLM, Pizzagate which is Child Sex related, not protecting boarders and of course defending illegals and refugees.....
Doesn't even know who George Soros is 

Which Patrick does all of the above including voted for a criminal candidate without doing proper research.

Patrick Scott Patterson cares about his pockets, his image and will say or do anything to make himself look good....

Notice like another low person in gaming he has never admitted fault or apologized for anything, one is in West Coast the other in Texas no difference can do no wrong low time people.....

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson When will the lies stop, did you know ?????

Did you know Patrick Scott Patterson claimed with no evidence of course that he has been video gaming since 1981????

Did you also know he has been claiming to be speaking and fighting for gaming and collecting for 15 years?????

Here this is the same person that Joined Twingalaxies in April of 2005, and has NO public proof or posts anywhere online of him speaking about video games, why is that?????

This is also the same person we know loves to post complain cry and look to be center of attention, recently claiming he voted for Perot in 1992 election, yet in 1992 November he was 17 years and 1 month Old......

Tell us Patrick where are your posts videos and proof of you playing, speaking or fighting for gaming before April of 2005?????

Patrick Scott Patterson you like to suddenly lie and claim you had  posts in gaming as early as 2002 even on TG it's funny you try to best the GREAT RUDY J. FERRETTI, who in fact came into TG 2002-03 well before the king of kong and has real accomplishments and real stories of his history....

Patrick you are really good at pretending and fabricating your life story with no evidence or witnesses to back it up, now we know on FB tomorrow you will say what about RUDY, well lets see Rudy is not smeared all over the internet for lies, and fabricated stories, nor was he ever caught or accused of cheating in such manners as you.....

To boot Patrick Rudy has also done more accomplishments and more amazing feats in gaming, than you and ANYONE you know combined....

Patrick Scott Patterson recently speaks like he is an expert on Funco Land and history while his booty buddy Eric worked there does not mean Patricks story is accurate and considering he didn't know Eric till around 2006 is way after the FUNCO era, no credibility

So Patrick Scott Patterson you were not a member of FB when it started nor Myspace so where are these historical posts like ur fraud arcade business and donkey kong ks, and fake perfect pan ??????

Reminder you lie and claim you were a NES semi finalist with a replica T shirt and Robin and Thor never heard of or saw you!!!! how is that????

Another Item Jace had a conversation with Rudy when you and your wife called him crying, so is the face book conversation fake too??????

Keep Digging with your lies and another thing posting things little by little of one big find is not impressive and it's obvious!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Trivia did you know Patrick Scott Patterson lied about these claims he made ? and why he is infact a liberal govt live off person

Patrick Scott Patterson claims he left Twingalaxies calm and peaceful, but of course we all know he is Mr. Opposite and A new recent radical Liberal that cannot be trusted!!!

#1This is from credible former Twingalaxies Staff and Ownerships

I have on decent authority that the week prior to patrick scott patterson rage quitting TG
his wife tried to submit his L=22 donkey kong score
and it was vetoed by existing refs at the time
or something to that effect
the score going with it was likely made up
but the DKF generally mocks him for that L=22 shit
because pretty much everyone knew he was full of shit
so his whole charade of quitting TG for personal reasons etc. was really because he was being run out of town behind the scenes there and at DKF with people mocking him and calling him a fraud
which is why that shit has stuck with him for so long
anyways, point was he tried to have his wife act as a fellow "referee" and sneak his score in
no solid proof I can give you beyond ithat
Also, he had adjudicated Hank Chiens WR kill screen the week before he ":kill screened" DK with his L:=22 shit
which DKF people proved was just a fucking cropped screen grab of hank's recording
Did you know ???? Patrick Scott Patterson was caught cheating in fantasy football by numerous DKF and DK players, and when caught he denied it!!!

 Bashes Donald Trump and anyone who supports the man and shames him for bringing God into his decision making Patrick Scott Patterson Both in a way. I've seen other people go through this, though none of them ever became... you know..... PRESIDENT. Long story short.... they do believe what they say, and it's due in large part to the fact that they surround themselves with other people who tell them the same. That is a shield of sorts in how it validates what they believe about themselves. "Well, these people say the same thing, so they must be right" they think. Then those who say differently are "against" them or "bad people" when they are, in fact, the reality they choose to ignore. This is concerning.... especially since he's started entering God into it. 

So clearly Patrick says what he thinks Hollywood and the Media and his fellow snowflake libtards and cornflakes want to see, and want to hear proving the Labels of him are true for sure!!!!
Did you know Recently Patrick lied saying he never deletes or blocks anyone yet he Blocked Rudy J. Ferretti and got upset about these truth blogs reporting 4 videos he also Blocked William Macevoy and several others so once again Mr. Opposite...
Did you know Patrick got a request from a woman of course we know he will jump on a friend request from any woman since he is a known panty sniffer, as soon as he friended her she added him to a GOP Group, and he unfriended her and left the group, proving he will never hear other sides!!!
This next did u know  Patrick said
One cannot claim to be an American patriot yet decry protesters. This country was shaped by protests throughout it's history. Standing up and speaking out when you feel something is wrong is the most American thing you can do. True patriots fight for what they believe is best for this country, rather than conform to what they know is wrong.
While True Beeker face you have never been patriotic by bashing the president calling him Hitler in more ways than one and you done nothing for vets except plugging a small gaming fund that you don't have the skill to even play in, let alone afford a donation, like millions trump got for them BEFORE, he was sworn in, once again you lie.
Did you know Patrick claims he has speaking about used games and collecting and issues in gaming for 15 years well that is proven to be another LIE, here are the facts Patrick was sniffing jock straps until 2008, joined TG in 05-06 KOK era, no posts related to gaming in 04-03-02 ANYWHERE IF THERE is ONE it's very difficult to find, Ironically the Great Rudy J. Ferretti came in to the scene 2002-03  and no posts BY Patrick were made till 2005 when he joined making it 12 years not 15

Did you know Patrick denied shopping in good will but since late 2016 he has been dumpster diving, hitting foreclosed locations and even making deals with people that lost loved ones to take their stuff???

Fact he has been bragging he knows all about thrift stores and how big the market is and always was, meanwhile again never spoke of gaming till 2005....

Did you know Patrick claims he does not Live off social services or the Govt!!! Well in this post PROVES that is another lie and lives off the Govt to at least one degree and has put his kids and wifes life in limbo and risk.

Patrick Scott Patterson 6 hrs · Received a well-written political argument in my inbox last night by a pro-Trump supporter. The person writing it said they did not mind if I answered their questions publicly, as long as I left their name out. Since they are the first pro-Trump person to inbox me without insulting me, I'm going to respect their wishes. I want to answer it all publicly, because I hope that it can explain my current political position and concerns about the new "administration". 
 As usual no proof this email or face book message is real
------------------------------------------------------------- "Can you really say you are better off than you were 8 years ago"? The answer is a giant YES. 8 years ago, I watched helplessly as the economic 
 downturn took my growing business and sent it down quickly.
Did you know Patrick scott patterson did run a fraud under the table repair business that he nearly got in LEGAL trouble for stealing money from customers for not completing repairs, complaining he was sick just like he did as a referee, later to shut down from many complaints.... Hyperspace arcade on rip report, so his Business never was on any rise, because for one he did mickey mouse work, and even destroyed some of his repairs, no other Arcade Repair Business got hit in the US due to the economic downturn!!!! 8 years btw Patrick is when Obama took office thanks for confirming the democrats were responsible, yet you want to support them again!!!
Clients were citing sudden economic changes across the board in cancelling bookings and retainers. I'd done well in 2007, but put almost everything back into the business, expecting it to keep growing. In 2008, 
Again people canceled because they figured out Patrick was not a legit businessman and it got around quickly!!!! all he did was take the ill stolen kept money he took from customers that never got their full service they paid for!!!
that growth stopped and reversed course. I was now bringing in per month what I'd been bringing in 
 per week, with far more overhead than I'd had before. At the same time,
 This is another false claim the Business was down in 2008-09 without notice when you were contacted by several gamers for repairs and cosmetics you could not even answer a simple question about Frogger, Dean Wenzel also confirmed many people that complained about Patterson and how he would go to find parts to make up for his mistakes learning hands on, Dean bailed out many of his customers that got mickey mouse work by patterson
Melissa was still fairly new to teaching. The economic downturn had caused a budget shortfall that was resulting in teacher layoffs all over the place. With little tenure at the time, she was nearly cut. Had that happened, we would have been in a LOT of trouble very quickly. We were teetering on a cliff for quite a while. Since the loan system had been abused by the rich, 
So blames the rich student Loans company instead of telling the facts he refused to get a REAL JOB!!!
we were now suffering there, too. One of my credit cards - at a time when getting those was hard for me as it was - got cancelled under new regulations... taking out a lifeline we might have needed.... and don't even get me started on the other stuff. During the Obama administration, things got better for us every year while he was in office... 
Of course it got better Patterson was living on the ACA, Foodstamps and other GOVT resources, proving you could not pay your life line credit card because you instead of getting a REAL job rely on your wifes new teaching income.
This is why it was a big deal for me to get new wheels last year under just my own verified self-employment income, as that's hard for an independent contractor to do. We entered into 2017 with wide open opportunities right in front of us that seemed impossible 8 years ago... yet fearful that 
the Trump era will undo many of the very things that let us get there. 

Of course you fear you will now have to go out get a REAL JOB blame trump I see, you will have to Pay for Health Insurance and no longer be allowed food stamps or assistance...... but instead of confirming your hardship you blame Trump
--------------------------------------------------------------------- "
But what about health care? Didn't Obamacare screw you?" The answer is NO. I left my day job in late 2006 
 Ok so you left a job in 2006 Putting your families finances and future at risk to live off Tax Payer Dollars, instead of being a man keeping your job.

 to devote all my time to my self-business. That Failed nearly the day it started
 Health insurance went away with that, and it was too expensive for me to buy my own at the time. Since I never got sick and was no longer wrestling 

I though you did 10 years quit in 2008 so it was NOT 10 years hmmmm 

never got sick funny you been sick at least 3-4 times a year since 2005 in the gaming scene
, I took the risk. In early 2007, I was hospitalized with diverticulitis and an infection caused by it. A lot of people don't know this, but I was hours away from probable death when I went to the Emergency Room for a pain and a mild fever that wouldn't subside. The bill was staggering, yes, but you know what? I did the math, and even that uninsured hospital stay was cheaper than it would have been for me to pay for health insurance for that year.
Yes Obama Care is great for people who don't work real jobs and live off the GOVT you are right there
 Obamacare quite literally changed nothing on this end, as it was still expensive and all that. I don't agree with MOST of the ACA, by the way, for those who lacked reading comprehension skills in reading my recent post about the planned repeal. But with that said, let's not act like the health care system was any better before it, either. I know some lost this and that due to the ACA, but it changed little here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "How can you say you aren't a liberal when you are against Trump and voted for Hillary?" Because I'm not. In fact, I've been vocal on the Internet about the two-party labeling system for as long as I've been on the Internet. I'm more of a Centrist, and every political test I've ever taken agrees with that.
Show us these Political Tests when you don't even know who George Soros is you never taken a Test of any kind in your life you were NEVER Vocal on Politics till 2016 maybe you made 1-2 posts a year before NOT VOCAL
 I'm big on capitalism, except when it comes to things like healthcare and energy, which people need to survive. I'm big on family values, though I also agree that people have the right to define marriage in whatever way feels right to them. I'm big on voter's rights, but also agree that you should need a valid ID to vote... so much so that I don't even understand how the hell that's an issue. I'm big on enforcement of legal immigration, but I also believe the system is a big part of why there's so many illegal immigrants. I think you change that and give amnesty to those who came here, along with a path to make it legal. I believe 90 percent of those who came over here illegally are just here to work hard and feed their families, nothing more. I could go on, but I really shouldn't have to. I don't think "liberal" is an insult, but I also don't feel it describes me. I'm amazed that the label is thrown my way for simply expressing my belief that people - ALL people - should be treated with dignity and respect. That said... my vote. Understand that Hillary Clinton was my protest vote. I have literally voted against a Clinton every single time I ever voted in my life, and even voted in the local Democratic primaries last year just to vote AGAINST her. Also, don't keep glossing over the fact that Trump was one of my personal heroes for decades... up until he started to open his mouth about politics and the kind of man he really is began to show more and more. Clinton was the only candidate with a shot of beating Trump, and despite the fact that it made my skin crawl to do it, I couldn't live with myself if I'd voted for a third party candidate that had zero chances of beating the very, very dangerous Trump. But for the record, let's go through my entire presidential voting record over the years. 1992 - Ross Perot* 1996 - Bob Dole 2000 - George W. Bush 2004 - George W. Bush 2008 - Barack Obama 2012 - Barack Obama 2016 - Hillary Clinton * Was just shy of voting age, but I was active in campaigning for him. That's pretty even across political parties.... and when you factor in that I supported Reagan and the first Bush growing up, I've historically gone Republican far more times over my lifetime than Democrat. Long story short, I vote for who I think is the better choice at the time. I wish more people would, rather than blindly supporting one side or the other. I can't see anything in either party that I could ever universally support, nor can I understand how anyone else could. That said, I hope this clears up a bit on my end. I get it.... people's mileage varies here... for my stories above, I'm sure there are people with the exact opposite kinds of stories. That's what people need to understand, though..... there's nothing cut and dry and black and white here.... just because YOU feel a certain way about the Obama years doesn't mean that point of view is universal. Just because YOU didn't come out of his run ahead of where you were before it doesn't mean nobody did. And just because you didn't like him... or didn't like or trust Clinton... it doesn't mean Trump was the better choice. I actually fear for our country right now, but that's a deeper discussion for another time. Perhaps DeVos will get voted down and I can find at least one sigh of relief in this mess we have right now

You living off the GOVT Conflicts these statements Patrick 

Conclusion besides you are a Snowflake and cornflake and Liberal lets get to it btw you dont even know what a centrist is!!!!

 Patrick Scott Patterson Did You know Conclusion and facts
So ultimately
he's a fence sitter
and hes voted exclusively Democrat since 2008
He just dances around the questions and barely answers them
He didn't do any better health wise with Obama
He's NEVER said anything positive about Trump, ever.
He tows the typical liberal hysteria lines where everything is racist yet he claims to support Voter ID?
According to most liberals / people on the left Voter IDs are racist because it affects illegals more than anyone and most illegals are mexican
He claims to be pro law enforcement, yet he's been openly supporting BLM, and pizza gate who have openly talked about murdering police
He's pro free speech and internet journalism, yet he supports Obama, the president who has been more anti journalistic freedom than any other president, responsible for more legal action and hostility towards the press than any other.

He says he is a centrist, and yet he derides anyone who voted for or supports Trump because they must be die hard Republican / racist scum?
So we're to take him at face value, that he is a centrist with differing opinions here and there (he tries REAL hard to say his opinions are as least controversial as possible), but he won't accept that people could vote for Trump and not support all of his positions absolutely?
He says Trump was his hero and he's pro capitalist, yet somehow also sorta liberal but not REALLY a liberal because he hates labels, but he believes all of the liberal bullshit storylines that "Trump hates women" and "Trump hates muslims" etc.
I'd be shocked if he could find single things that Trump has said that he thinks makes him a bad person that isn't some left/liberal spin on what Trump ACTUALLY says, or has any voracity to support it.

In a post 9/11 world, everyone was anti-illegal immigration, because everyone had a reason to rally behind their countrymen and the threat was real. Now that people have had time to forget, it's all about supporting sanctuary cities and about saying Trump is a racist because of his "muslim ban"

While Trump could have gone about that temporary halt a little more clearly to prevent some chaos, it wasn't a fucking ban and certainly is NOT racist (Islam is a religion, not a race, as are Muslims practitioners of Islam.. not a race).
Let's also then, conveniently ignore the fact that the 7 countries Trump chose (which the idiot liberal media makes it out to be because he must have shady deals with the countries not on the list) ACTUALLY come from the Obama administration era's Department of Homeland Security.
It was the DHS, under Obama, that identified those 7 countries as being high risk for terror threats to America and it was Obama who put a 6 month moratorium on visas from those countries.
So was it a racist Muslim Ban when Obama did it?
Or was it ok that he did it because he was the first black president and a Democrat, so therefore beyond reprisal?
The simple truth is, Patrick is a coward
He voted Republican up until it was in his best interest (as an inter dimensional multi media multiple personality entity) to hop on the Democrat band wagon.
The Democrat hype and anti-bush rhetoric was at an all time high when Obama came in. (see: the HOPE/CHANGE campaign) with Obama promising to shut down Gitmo, stop bombing the middle east, ending the war and renewing the publics faith in the Gov.
So he hopped on the gravy train of public Pro-Obama train and cashed in on easy likes for his easy opinions.

In the subsequent 8 years, of Obamas largely ineffective (outside of economic stability) tenure, where he failed in many aspects including but not limited to failing to close Gitmo, drastically increasing the true income gap (1% vs rest), drastically increasing the debt-to-GSP ratio and increasing the number of people on food stamps while decreasing the job participation ratio.

Everything was hunky dory for Patty Cakes
And what does he do when time comes to vote a new president in? He hopes on the bandwagon again, one of historic proportions that saw LARGE SWATHES of the media clearly engaged in partisan politicking, brazen in their bias towards Clinton.
He went with the e z mode of calling everyone and everything who disagrees with him a racist/misogynist, cozying up extremist radical feminists like Despira and her ilk.
He learned from Cat and friends how to de-platform any opposition and how to engage SOLELY in an echo chamber of his own followers and like-minded political allies so as to bolster his position.

And they felt powerful for it, because you never have to have your ideas challenged if you block/ban everyone who might disagree with you and you only engage with your facebook buddies on the daily instead of any other forum that isn't hostile to open debate. And he WAS challenged to do so, numerous times, be it on TG or DKF or any other open forum where he wasn't the one who gets to dictate the narrative or have throngs of ignorant followers parrot him as backup.

Did he engage in any of that? Nope. Because the truth is, he doesn't want honest debate, he wants to be right. So he hides with his miniscule user base and circle jerks with people who share his beliefs and believe every ridiculously biased story he tells them.

Notice: Patrick has NEVER admitted to being wrong about anything ever, to any of his silly casual fan base, he is ALWAYS the victim in every scenario. Because that's how the real world works. Some fat slob in Texas is an infallible paragon of truth, that's why he's known by DOZENS of people on the internet.

So yeah, he votes Democrat, because it's easy to be anti Trump right now
thats the easy opinion to have
Why talk about the nuance behind these major decisions and the implications thereof when you can just decry "RACIST! MISOGYNIST!" at every single nominee Trump / GOP puts up and every decision or executive order he makes.
Because nobody in his little circle of sycophants will ever question that or press him on hard issues like how he can support Voter ID but still pretend Trump pushing for that very thing is somehow illogically racist.
So he can simultaenously hold opposing opinions, like supporting the Military and Veterans, but also being pro Obama (who has disrespected the military NUMEROUS times, especially the VA) while also being anti-Trump and anti-Mathis.
Because nobody will challenge him.
And he doesn't want to be challenged, because he's a coward

That's why he doesn't engage anywhere that he doesn't already have people who subscribe to the same beliefs as he does. Because outside the little pocket of irrelevancy that he occupies on the internet, very few people have a high opinion of him. Very few people see him as anything beyond a self-serving hustler looking to flip video games and shit he digs out of dumpsters or pries away from widows for his own profit, under the guise of "archiving" it.

He still has buddies here and there and people he's convinced that he is a "good one" because he will say whatever opinion is convenient at the time to get them on his "side". It's no fucking wonder he voted for and identifies with a candidate like Clinton, the most two-faced, under handed candidate of all time.

"Just because you voted for Trump doesnt mean he was the better candidate".
Well guess what tubby, all the "Hillary won the popular vote!" "The Electoral College is old!" "#NotMYPresident" posts in the world won't change the fact that Trump is his fucking president and will be for the next 4 years minimum
And if anything, people like Patty and Cat and the other leftist cry bullies and the shitty rags and "media" that panders to them are doing a damn fine job at convincing the rest of the America and the world to ensure it's 8 fucking years of Trump Making America Great Again.

 "I liked it more when you didn't talk about politics" - Overnight inbox message Let's talk on that real quick, then I'm off to focus on a packed workday. First of all, I've always talked politics to at least some extent. In the past, I very loudly spoke up against politicians when several of them were aiming to regulate or tax "violent video games", even posting their contact information so that the public could contact them. Oklahoma Democrat Will Fourkiller's proposed "violent video game tax" - for example - was slapped down due in part to my efforts against it. Now-convicted Democratic Senator Leland Yee was also often targeted by me for his efforts to regulate, as I helped in every way I could at the time in the fight against his efforts. I strongly supported the fracking ban here in town, and strongly opposed Texas Governor Greg Abbott's decision to overturn it by actually altering the law. I openly criticized the penalty portion of the Affordable Care Act. I criticized other past presidents, too, especially Bill Clinton, and I've been critical many times over the years about what I felt were poor political decisions that impacted our education system and Veterans. Long story short, to suggest that I haven't posted about politics in the past is to hold onto selective memory. Then again, there are people who've followed me on here for 8 years and still can't get my name right, or still categorize me as a "writer" or "journalist" or some other label that I've never put on myself. I really wish I didn't have to talk so much about politics right now, too. I'd much rather talk video games all damn day as well. But what's going on in this country right now under our new "president" is very scary... and should be very scary to any educated person. When government agencies and opposing senators are being silenced... when clearly unqualified people are being confirmed for important cabinet positions.... when our country is profiling based on race and religion... when our "president" is discrediting anyone who is "negative" (factual) toward him.... when our "president" is breaking campaign promises left and right and yet his supporters are blind to it....

Fact Patrick NEVER spoke out about anything political on any major level till 2016 LATE 
Fact Patrick is a Journalist and Corpse WRITER 
Fact Patrick is Patrick his legal name is PATRICK
  all of that shows how ridiculously biased his opinion is
He repeats liberal talking points that are very slanted as if they are fact

Trump has stuck closer to his campaign promised much more than Obama
Also he says "president", so we assume he doesn't think Trump is the president?
That's pretty fucking anti American
Weather he liked Trump or not, it's a fucking FACT that he IS the President
No debate, no maybes or what ifs.
To suggest otherwise is unpatriotic and anti American

Patrick Scott Patterson is a Squatting live off his wive, eats off the govt, cornflake/snowflake, anti americal liberal radical democrat!!!