Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson's ill practices continue to tank and fail and now he is warning us of Idle Legal Action lol

Ready for your next case????

Patrick Scott Patterson always caught up in scams, ill doings and in recent days/months has been trying to sabotage and re write FALSE history on Wiki, although his user name was banned his IP address is still being ill used on the pages!!!!

He loves to proclaim he is all for preservation, saving history and even keeping it correct, despite bashing the ONLY leader the Country ever had to really care for our vets, Patterson Bashes him daily, and claims he is a big supporter of our vets, we have 0 proof of any proceedings going to Operation Supply Drop, and Arcade Charity, recently people have been following patterson around.

You would notice like Dumb and Dumber the 84 Sheepdog Anyone can Identify, well when you take a Clearance Kia and put a stolen non permission to use logos on it, and drive it around and it's one of a kind, especially after your known for ripping others off, it catches up to you!!!!!!

We seen his car parked in front of thrift and goodwill stores after claiming he doesn't shop goodwill, and even adult video stores, which is fine but don't be in denial.

Despite Saying he would ignore and never look or respond again for the GANZILLIONTH time

NOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE I used to joke that those online types that seem to spend way too much time each day complaining about me would do so even if I cured cancer or went away for a month.

REPLY - You cannot cure your lies and scams start there and to cure cancer you need common sense and education sorry charlie!!!!!!!!!!

It almost proved itself a prophecy.

NOW THE First came last week, when people who don't know me proclaimed the serious accusation that I am not truthful about my relationship with Operation Supply Drop or other charities for that matter. Never mind years of posts and photos on my social media that would back that up, I even got the CEO of OSD Glenn D Banton to respond himself. He publicly and privately confirmed my involvement, yet some persisted anyway, publicly parading around anywhere but my phone or direct e-mail demanding details that I've publicly posted already dozens of times.

Reply - You talk bad about the President any chance you get, you support liberalism and Democrats and living off the system, all VET killers, when you speak ill about the president you also do not support the vets, no photos and posts of your lies do not back up your contributions, your the pandering thumb beeker head panderson here, of course people are demanding answers you pocketed your invalids charity, to send him to meet a man you hate, a man that takes care of vets, a man that is OUR President who pays your ACA, and Gov't assistance.

BUT THE  Second came this morning, where I'm informed via direct e-mail (funny how that works) that I'm being accused of "vandalizing Wikipedia" again, despite my refusal to support that website in well over a year. Apparently, there's an effort by some to correct video game related information on there, and since it involves these people's friends, these cyberstalkers (more on that in a moment) are fighting to re-edit in false historical narrative that benefits their pals... and accusing me of being a "vandal".

Reply - You are NOT being accused we have spoken to people that know you and are aware that YOU and several others are Vandalizing Multiple Wiki pages, same reason you got booted from events for Bashing the same people of those pages you are continuing to ruin, your IP address is there present your username is BANNED, and right there saying others are correcting information, when in fact YOU know it's false and your known for that work of fraud, forgery, and false pretenses, you did a great job lying about Billy, Walter and Rudy, your the primary suspect, you been caught on hundreds of occasions of stealing and using copyrighted materials and falsifying info, not to mention not 1 but TWO occasions you Patrick nearly went to Jail for.

AND Um... I've just wrapped up the busiest six weeks of my life, guys. Let me get this straight... somehow while dealing with my annual visit to the E3 Expo, sending Brody on both his Washington D.C. trip and a week long Scout camping trip, building the U.S. National Video Game Team website, refreshing my own website, negotiating multiple event appearance offers, having pitch meetings with companies I connected with at E3, hunting down and obtaining numerous large caches of old video game stuff, reducing my overstock of modern disc games, celebrating my wife's birthday, doing a media ride-along, planning the specifics of my upcoming event appearances, keeping up with my writing commitments with various outlets and moving forward with development of other forms of content.... you guys think I had the time or desire to go edit a broken website in order to bug you.

Reply - Oh you were busy alright posting 18 hrs a day responding arguing and sabotaging Wiki on multiple pages and times a DAY, Your little visit to E3 does not make you busy, sending Invalid to a trip we the TAX payers paid for upon your begging, is not busy, destroying editing facts in WIKI is not busy, refreshing your website that took under 1hr to do is not BUSY, (More on that in a minute) You have no pitching or negotiating of anything other than 50-100.00 pay and a free room and entry, to mostly LOCAL events, you hunt and catch like everyone did in the 90s, oh yes reducing stock sure takes talent and time to do, nobody cares about you, your invalid or wife, writing commitments lol, we don't think anything you ARE full of crap..... and E3 was a month ago

AND Wow. And I'm called egotistical.

This post isn't aiming to raise issue with this, it's getting it out of my system before I put it INTO the system. The activities of these people is cyberstalking and defamation by the very legal definition. Late yesterday afternoon, I talked with a lawyer who calls this a "slam dunk" case of it. This post is an advised "final warning".

Thanks for coming.
With today's website refresh comes the note that I'm phasing out the Archive Alley name, at least for the time being.

Reply - No you are Egotistical, Narc, and persona disorderly to say the least, you so did NOT talk with an Attorney number one NO attorney would allow or encourage you to threaten, offend and or engage in any further communication, yet you clearly broke those rules on 100s of occasions, then to say I only do it once in a while like 5 year old, playing victim, final warning BRING IT!!!!!!!!!

Slam Dunk the only slam dunk is the END of your fake and fraud career rapidly climaxing

Rebranding World Record - Patrick Scott Patterson the ONLY person to rebrand on over a Dozen occasions  in the last 11 years

The first reason has to do with the mission of it, which was to obtain and preserve vintage publications and footage in the ongoing effort to research and catalog video game history more deeply. At the time I focused on that, I was doing so under the impression that the preservation of other video game items was already in good hands.

My research proved that wrong, expanding my efforts into going well beyond that one niche. While the large cache of vintage video game publications and the like that I've built up will continue on exactly as it was, I felt it was necessary to simplify by encompassing everything under one identity.

The second reason is to simplify so that I can spend more time focusing on this effort. I've rid myself of a lot of distractions and redundancy so I can focus on the tasks at hand instead.

Reply - Yet you continue to engage and respond and even try to taunt the ill situation you created

NOW I'll retain the name in the event that I'll use it again the future. For now, I've streamlined and I'm eager to see what comes next.
I've loved video games for nearly 36 years now and I've been using the Internet to give back to gaming in a number of ways for 20 of them. How I've done so has evolved many times while I evolved myself through my experiences and constant study of video game history and culture.
Reply - Yipp Kia Yay your claim to fame is the common denominator of ALL gamers 38 and above you think your special giving back copying stealing and using others work and altering it for financial gain. You evolved into the biggest scam artist in video gaming history

While I'm certain I'll continue to evolve it all, how I can best give back to something that's given me so much joy and entertainment has never been as clear to me as it is now. With clarification of purpose, I'm cutting down on some of the clutter so I can have a laser focus on where I can do the most good and do more in that area than I've been doing.

The most frequently asked question to me these days is 'what do I do with everything' that I pick up gaming wise.

There's no short and simple answer, and while I've answered the question hundreds of times by now, the question lingers and in some cases with great skepticism. As a researcher of pop culture history - video games in particular - I can certainly understand skepticism and while I've been transparent this entire time, I also understand how quickly information can be buried in a social media driven world.

So I'm working this week to do better by this so that this rather complicated series of irons I have in the fire can be better understood. In the meantime, here's a look at one I don't talk about often enough: Education.

I fully believe that video game history will someday be taught academically just as the histories of art, music and film are today. A big motivating factor in terms of preservation is to help that be easier in time. Many items I have are used as visual aids or set aside for such use down the road.

REPLY- Academic for what lol for you rot teach lol, like this day in history Patterson nearly went to jail, this day in gaming history patterson lost the most scores ANY gamer ever lost in 1 year?, perhaps back in the 90s and early 2000s Patterson scammed people of 1000s of dollars , on this date Patterson wrote and attempted to publish a knowingly falsified historical article, later to be proven fraud and said he made a mistake and put it in several other magazines, this date patterson was caught by Twingalaxies Cheating Great history to tell everyone!!!!!!!!

Here is a fun example from last fall through Denton's Emily Fowler Library. They did a video game history month up there and many of the items I've recovered were used for a visual representation in their display case. During this period, I also teamed up with Alec Featherstone for a presentation where we stressed the importance of preservation to a room full of eager youths.. and it appears the message was heard.

What Do You Do With Them? - It depends completely on what the items are. Vintage games and consoles are eventually cleaned and repaired if necessary. Badly damaged vintage items are used to provide parts for other restorations. Not one single part or item is ever discarded, and every effort is made here to keep any video game related item out of landfills and out of the hands of people who would use them for donor carts or modifications into items that strip them of their history.

Reply - But as you resell them they end up being donor carts, your known for blowing up boards and arcade items, you have no understanding of repair or cleaning, without donor carts it would not be cost effective to make new homebrews DEMOCRAT, Modifications are what keeps an item from being thrown away, remember you had a 7800 donated to u and wanted to chuck your 2600, in writing, who you kidding patterson the stalkers you endured watched you throw things in ur truck/car, chuck other items and bake em in the sun for hours to take pictures and RE USE em.

The only preservation you are for is Patterson and the 2X4 home you Endure 

Soon Wiki will ban your IP and your name and scams will be history 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Classic Gaming Fest Refunded Patrick Scott Patterson a personal check for 500.40 for travel and vending fees lost

We confirmed with several sources plus one of the Shows Organizers, he explained the BIGGEST reason Patrick was banned and booted for the 2017 show was the Organizers were forwarded and discovered the ill on Tim Mcvey and Patrick Scott Patterson's conversations, belittling Billy and Walter.

So Patrick LIES and says it was his pay, the CGF people admitted he was strange for posting a check and NOT happy he lied public about it claiming to be PAY for his not showing up services, the fact is Patterson gets a free room and sometimes 50-100 for a panel the ENTIRE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!

 Actual Conversation!!!!!!

Most cases Patrick has to cover all his expenses and gets a free room and pass in, never has he been paid over 100 for a panel.....

Personal checks should also alert you that would be IRS issues and Tax issues, for both CGF and Patrick.

Mr. Ferretti Patrick's check was for 500 odd dollars was a refund travel and other fees lost, not pay in the least, we do not pay anyone that kind of salary to show up to our venues, it's not something we could even afford to do for well known people. One our event coordinators saw Patrick bashing Walter and Billy on FB and asked for psp to be kicked out of the event. So Patrick did this to himself. Nothing to do with Walter, Billy or anyone Sir, but I  know he thinks otherwise and appears to be claiming it.

Thanks Again for your outreach Rudy and we hope to see you at our event!

Thank you for letting me know!

So Patrick are you ready to tell the truth now on this matter????


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson will he lie at any chance he gets ???? because he lied about knowing William Rosa

We all know Patrick Scott Patterson suffers from a lying illness of Compulsive/Pathological Lying the WORST combination for a liar, that Doctors cannot even figure out why.

As of Late Patterson is looking to make History in gaming being the FIRST gamer ever to lose over 600 World records and holding 738 total  scores, at the moment he stands at 139 remaining with a Max of 5 left when all gone, like weak Glass Joe max 42 ko's yet, claimed he never cared about scores and claims to beaten MTPO with no damage, doesn't even have a Fastest Completion score, calls them TAPE fillers, yet played for 14 hrs On Lode Runner on Atari 400/800.

Hey Patrick were your tapes set on SP? if you even know what that is, we know you care Patrick, people send us the PRIVATE conversations you have, we know you told cat on and off Facebook, we saw the conversations with you and Lonnie Mcdonald, and of course your cries to John Salter for bringing in William Rosa in, to take down your beloved Mr. Do's Castle, which you clearly are aware of but dismiss that you never look, and even when CONFRONTED you lie to a person you call a pal and friend.

You deny you know or heard of William Rosa and just his name

Patrick Scott Patterson Nor can I... which sort of shows how small it probably was in the first place. But you are one of.... four people I can say have done the same. It'd be six, but two who did man up and call me once later regressed into his own stuff again and eventually crosses lines nobody should come back from. I really think that if more would have just picked up the phone early on, I'd look back on things with them like I am with you now..... with zero idea what the hell we were even at odds over in the first place.

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· 1 June at 11:19
John Salter
John Salter Not really calling me on anything. I was friends with Bill before any of this nonsense started with him. He didn't even know you or Scott existed when he first came to the arcade. I'm friends with a few peeps who are weirdly obsessed with PSP, but I'm real life friends with Bill. We hang out every week. I tell him, just like I comment on Scott's posts. The wacky obsession with Scott's every move is ridiculous, and I'm not a fan. But both Scott and Bill are grown men and live their own lives. I'm can't save the world. I have a wife, 2 kids (one who just had open heart surgery and one on her way to college), a new full time job, an arcade business thats growing and a house to attend to. I deal in real life, not online wars. I'll leave that to you guys. If that doesn't fit how you think I should live my life. Too bad. I stick up for both of you ALL THE TIME. Maybe both side should be thankfull there's someone around here with a level head. This is the most ridiculous situation I've been in the middle of in my entire life. Both side acting like a bunch of kids.

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· 1 June at 11:36
Patrick Scott Patterson
Patrick Scott Patterson I go take a shower for a few minutes.... okay, I'll bite. Which Bill?

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· 1 June at 11:38
John Salter

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· 1 June at 11:39
Patrick Scott Patterson
Patrick Scott Patterson I have no idea who he even is. A name I've heard, nothing more.

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· 1 June at 11:39
John Salter
John Salter I'm FB friends with McEvoy as well
Was friends with him way before he caught the PSP flu also.

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· 1 June at 11:40
Patrick Scott Patterson
Patrick Scott Patterson I don't get McEvoy's mind, but if there's some reason this Rosa guy has something to say, maybe fill me in someday. When I learned he's carrying a grudge, I looked through my e-mail and Facebook inbox history and cannot find one time where I've interacted with him. I'm certainly not acting like a child toward a person I don't know, never met that I know of, and never spoke to that I recall.

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· 1 June at 11:42
John Salter
John Salter The whole back and forth in general gets a bit tiring... I just want to play games and have fun. This will be my last comment on the subject. Anyone who feels I'm not a person of character please remove me from you list. If you think I'm guilty by association. Delete away. Not the way I live my life, but I won't tell you how to live yours (by "yours", I don't mean you Scott. The world in general.).

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· 1 June at 11:47 · Edited
Patrick Scott Patterson
Patrick Scott Patterson John Salter - Understood, other than the remark of a back and forth with a person I don't and have never interacted with. Hence part of the "problem" here. I don't know who this Rosa person is. Hard for there to be a back and forth. Totally one sided.

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· 1 June at 11:52

REPLY - YET here is a PERSONAL CONVERSATION UNEDITED of you speaking to William Rosa, proving once again you are a LIAR and not to be trusted and even more so, should be like Kathy Griffen, who is NO longer being booked for gaming gigs.

now I know Patrick you will cry foul with a quick 16 page pity post about this saying the conversation is FAKE!!!!

 See Patrick this is WHY you will never LIVE IN LA, why you are in the same spot you always been, why you have 100s if not 1000s against you, because you are a LYING FRAUD!!!!!

Clearly you know who Rosa is and you spoke to him!!!!! what you gonna say ummmm I forgot????

Big things are headed to TG in Esports and Gaming overall, and you once wanted to be a PART of and when the TIME comes, you will beg to be part of it and NOBODY will take you serious, after bashing communities and belittling scores and having 5 LEFT of your 738 you never cared about!!!!!

You bash Rudy Well Rudy has a real job and has been on TV and HAS SAG

You want desperately to be a Star, RUDY has a home in LA you don't

Rudy is SAG you are NOT!

Rudy has been on TV and in REAL films 

You are in Kickstarter and self entered projects.......

You don't have a real job

Just wait till you run into Jace at E3, and his Esports stuff you will bending over and foaming at the mouth for attention like a casting couch girl!!!!

Keep the lying going it's doing great for you and facebook is really helping ya too 0-30 likes and 6000 followers

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Classic Gaming Fest refunds Patrick Scott Patterson for Vending fees and deposits NOT pay the check is a REFUND

 We have spoken to people CONNECTED to Patrick Scott Patterson from Classic Gaming Fest and they informed US the money for the Vending and set up HE paid for was refunded to him 

NOT panel fees
JUST desposits

Patrick get's 50.00 an event and free hotel nothing more or less ALL LIES as usual 

Patrick also goes to 6-8 of these a year and several pays to go out of pocket so LETS say he made 500 an appearance 

it's about 3k a year that don't even pay rent

Patrick Scott Patterson losing likes and hits restores his desperate EGO with posting a 5.00 personal check from CGF 2017

We seen Patrick Scott Patterson show desperation and post ego trips seeing his likes still in the teens and hits, after being kicked out of the CGF 2017, Patrick begged the owner to make him a personal check to make it look like all was ok.

We know for a fact he was booted and Walter Day and Billy made sure of it, Patrick was quiet for a week now this lol
First off NO company or contract paying someone sends or allows you to post a PERSONAL check especially for services not rendered...

This is a 5.00 check for his trouble

Walter and Billy make 200.00 a show nobody get's 500.00

I know I know it looks good to blair out the REAL numbers

Patrick Scott Patterson give it up man you will NEVER be back at CGF as long as Walter and Billy are there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson takes advantge of a Mentally Handicapped 16 year old for what he calls a rescue in which is nothing less than disgraceful, and why he does not rescue anything or save

This just in now we all seen dumb and dumber where the Poor kid gets sold a Parrot which is dead and no head by a simple minded person!
Patrick Scott Patterson takes advantage of mentally handicapped 16 year old boy. Buys $500 worth of retro games for 80 bucks. Brags on social media.

Patrick Scott Patterson Funny story to this one. I went out of Denton on a lead, only to find terrible games. I hit this sale a few blocks away and was floored. When I asked how much, I was referred to a 16-year-old boy and thought no deal would be had. I was wrong. Check the newer photos for all 10 games that came with the N64.
Of course it is funny because Patrick has no Job he lives of buying and selling great for him BUT, bragging about a deal which is nothing more than stealing and taking advantage of someone that is not all there, is just nasty and dirty pool.

Patrick as always putting others down saying yard sales are not considered rescues well we have NEWS for you Patrick Scott Patterson neither is ANYTHING you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Save's Rescues and of course preserve!!!!!
Number one Patrick a Save/Rescue CANNOT happen unless the Item/Items were taken/recovered/obtained from a fire with little or no damages during the fire, a natural disaster this does not include overflowing a toilet due to a lack of fiber in the diet, and or being sick on the item
#2 A rescue or save cannot HAPPEN unless the item/Items  were recovered/obtained/taken from a NATURAL DISASTER such as an Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado with little or NO damages, you claiming you did does not validate the fact unless in writing proof documented by the home damaged...

#3 A rescue/Save CANNOT HAPPEN unless the items/item were recovered/taken/obtained from a FLOOD not by a dirty person in a 2x4 home or a flood caused by stupidity, BUT A FLOOD caused by a structural issue, a FLOOD from rain and or melted SNOW and the item is in little to no damage WORKING CONDITION

You are an idiot to say otherwise, it's like saying you found a person that was missing on the side of the road, or a baby in a pool with no water and you brought them to their mommy or daddy, you FOUND THEM, YOU DISCOVERED THEM

Now if you FOUND A baby or a missing person in a halfway house, or a DEEP POOL and took em out not that you are capable that BE A RESCUE AND OR SAVE

You are just dumpster diving, garbage picking, buying a and selling, Items at a garage. yard, thrift or ABANDON C.... home is NOT a rescue, even you digging up under ground at a dead person home or corpse, is NOT A save or rescue.
You find things, you obtain, you treasure hunt, you garbage pick and dumpster dive, you scour the streets misleading scamming people I WANT YOUR GAMES, and give them less than store value, so you can turn a profit.
You discover, you take, nothing YOU ever got was in any DANGER besides possibly being thrown away.
That does not count as a SAVE you are just reselling it anyways or keeping it for the store your trying to open.
Fact Patrick Scott Patterson has NEVER saved/Rescued anything and has no documentation to prove otherwise....
Until he runs into a fire, water flood or natural disaster IN PROGRESS it's not a rescue or save and in fact it needs to be a person which it never was nor will be because there is NO profit for him to do so.
Preservation means keeping Items and or junk in nice clean or restored condition ORIGINAL...
Look on his ebay page dirt and grime on all the resale items no ethics, the will looks like it was picked up after doing a TAR job.......
Patrick Scott Patterson is a disgrace to gaming, society and this world


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Classic Gaming Fest Booted Patrick Scott Patterson from the 2017 event Part ll

A the end of the day Patrick tries to cover up what occurs by moving onto another subject, recently his sidekick Cat Despira FAKE name btw who has Told Rudy of Patrick's ill doings since day one, make you wonder why is she still on his list?

I mean Cat has exposed his fabricated Niche show, his son's Issues that go back to breast feeding and lack of exposure of life and attention, to even saying he was not only booted but making claims and CLUE like scenarios of who did it, where they did it and when or how they did it.

Fact is this operation was not Just Rudy Ferretti or us or Leo Daniels or Walter or Billy or others it was in fact MANY sure Rudy was the first to make the call on it and get an IMMEDIATE response, stupid useless nobodies like TT and Zach and of course TUBLARD VIEITH had their say thinking rudy is not capable of making shit happen, hmmmmm

I guess they forget Rudy's double take down of Twin galaxies, exposing people for the fakes they are, lets not forget nearly putting several of these bums in jail, getting them in trouble for stealing articles and getting them BANNED from Wiki, Rudy is someone you all fear he has called you, invited you on his show and even wanted to DEBATE YOU LIVE, you are all cowards and this below proves it BTW

Richie had NOTHING TO do with what happened cat you stupid idiot, your math is 1+1=3 in this case

President Donald Trump however says what in the hell is classic gaming bunch of losers and Rudy said well Mr. Trump thanks for the help even though we disagree and he said GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY RUDY.

Patrick Scott Patterson is EXPERIENCING REVENGE from Rudy a man you don't fuck with, Rudy did not forget Patterson made of stories of fear for his life getting Rudy banned from the FINAL CGE SHOW ever in Las Vegas how does it feel now PATRICK?????

Karma is a bitch sadly fool like one hit Joust wonder Lonnie at 56 wants docs and thinks patterson is a good guy, while idiots like cue ball TT think Patterson has value, and even worse Idiots like nobody Vieth and Zack think Rudy is a Wannabe lol

Well I mean Rudy is the current best all around gaming player out there today, people are AFRAID to even compete against him how many scores does he have vs. how many he LOST ????

Exactly the only wannabees are YOU PEOPLE who claim and lie and not only don't play games, you are not capable of even playing at Rudy's level ON ANY GAME...

It's also clear after all this Bashing Patrick Scott Patterson keeps cat on his friends list because he can ruin him worse than RUDY can with knowing all his ill doings

No other explanation

Before we continue to post lets get the CLUE game going shall we???


From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 10:51 AM
Subject: New contact form submission from Contact Us


Rudy J. Ferretti

Pro Gamer SAG- AFTRA



I find it sad and offensive you would allow and or hire the biggest known fraud/scam artist and person of damaging gaming since 2004, a person who stole info, cheated on scores, lied about his accomplishments, a failed business of ill doings, a man who lives a lie bashes WALTER DAY AND BILLY MITCHELL any chance he gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due to you hiring or even considering Patrick Scott Patterson you just lost another customer!!!!!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: May 19, 2017 11:30 AM
Subject: FW: New contact form submission from Contact Us
To: <>



Not in order just show's how dumb they all are 


NO lives these people and have NO clue 



Saturday, May 20, 2017

Classic Gaming Fest Booted Patrick Scott Patterson from the 2017 event

Here are the facts

Thanks so much for reaching out to us about this matter.  As it turns out, we’re recently had a change in the lineup for CGF, CGF2017 no longer includes Patrick Scott Patterson.  I honestly have no idea about this feud as that is all news to me, but hopefully this news will encourage you to attend CGF after all.
Thanks for reaching out, and we appreciate your support!!

Love the fact that people are starting to take Notice, of Patrick Scott Patterson ill doings and fraud, bashing Walter Day and Billy Mitchel

Rumor has it from powerful sources Patrick Scott patterson, is being booted from many events as we speak..

Every Dog has their day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We know what Patrick will say it was due to scheduling, I had an illness, family emergency, conflict of interest.

I decided not to go, security reasons 


You got booted period

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson is being fact checked and it's not good and since he love's it so much especially with false Internet claims starting as early as 1998 and that Hyperspace Arcade was a successful business

 Patrick known for re writing history of fraud and false information tries to paint the opposite picture of love and balloons

Patrick Scott Patterson Fraud and con artist lies just about everything but recently has been going back to 1998 in fantasy land claiming he ran some kind of an arcade site and been on the INTERNET IN 1998.

Fact is in 1998 according to 2 very credible computer experts modems for home were brand new and even home based businesses, they were about 56k  and relatively expensive, Patrick was fact checked on Google claiming on CAG he was invited to Twingalaxies in 1998 along with being on the internet as early as 1998 with an email and website.

If you search Google all you see is this compulsive liar claim he did that stuff in 1998, Rudy J. ferretti is offering from VIA paypal 1.98 per internet published ARTICLE and or link to something dated before 2004 Video Gaming related to Patrick Scott Patterson.

We have found zero pictures, zero websites not even closed ones, zero proof he even had an email account!!!!

Patrick claimed lives to fact check people he hates and or is jealous of never being like

let's fact check here a little on Patrick Scott Patterson

1998 - he claimed he had a toy collectable business where is the proof on the internet/business license and of course records of of it??????? It don't check out

He claimed he was invited to Join TG in 1998 it don't check out we called yes called, blaine locklear, david nelson, walter day asked jace hall to look at records on archives he wont post and pm's
we also contacted RTM and brien king

DOESN'T CHECK OUT!!!!!!!!! quote Patrick Scott Patterson never goes a day without lying he was never ever invited to Twingalaxies till Blaine himself in 2005!!!

We checked Internet Records we have found 0 sites of Patrick Scott Patterson's before 2004 and no email address in 1998-2004 either now he may have had a netscape or aol account or even hotmail, .com's were expensive computers were around 3-4000.00 in the 90's and if Patterson could afford it he not be living off his wife and ACA

Does not check out!!!!!!!!

We contacted owners of the Laundry mats and arcade's in ALL of Denton Texas, Garland and more here is what we were TOLD: Patrick Scott Patterson was a casual player he never had any high great scores on any of our machines, he bragged to people how great he was an was later embarrassed on arcade games and little competition's

Another LIE does not check out!!!!!

We contacted a few close pals of his even people he still talks too regarding the Nintendo World Championships

Everyone he knows never saw any evidence and his mom and dad never spoke of him going to any NWC except local store blockbuster and won in a store, never did Patterson register in any NWC nor is there ANY patterson registered  in any NWC ever, Robin and Thor said he was not there and do not understand why he makes stuff up!!! He has a nice replica shirt he never could have fit into!!!!!!

Does not check out also Patrick never showed his entry ticket, and other obvious proof by other competitors he is also the ONLY person who claimed to be there NOT in any footage provided by Nintendo with a signed NDA!!!!!!!!!! Pictures and video of all Semi Finalists and throughout the competition were taken and balloons, special gifts and prizes and food!!!!!!!!!

Once again Doesn't check out!!!!!!!!!

Patrick claimed in Dallas there was a MTPO local competition were he beat the entire game without taking a single hit, there is no record of ANY such event in ALL of Texas and no champion has ever beaten MTPO with no damage, it cannot be done!!!!!!

We also Called Nintendo and they said anything like that would have been tracked and news and media would be there

Once again does not check out

Patterson claimed he got a DK KS in just six months and right after the FIRST Kong Off, later to be caught cheating by sending in fake screen shot of hank chens and even worse DECLINED Kong Off 2 where Richie said come get a KS and Ryan Atari Intellivision said he pay 5k we know patterson loves money!!!!!! He also shortly later quit Twin Galaxies

Once again Does not check out!!!!!!!!!

If Patterson was so in love with studying gaming, was so great and had a passion and was invited to TG in 1998 what stopped him?

Why is it that we cannot find anything proving anything Gaming related to Patterson till 2004???

If Patterson was a Child Prodigy why was he not in books magazines and papers and today not SUCCESSFUL and Living off Gov't????

Patrick Scott Patterson claimed he ran a SUCCESSFUL Arcade Business

This IS Partially VALID however here  is the check out or check inn

KLOV - As you can see have many complaints of his Business of excuses and lies not to fix or send out items in timely manner ask Richie Knuckles and Dean Wentzel they had many of his customers TO FIX issues of Patrick's that RUINED boards by patterson, kept money by patterson and even never SENT won auctions, just like an ILL ref he did the same as a Business owner

Look here excuses I am sick oh the customs had issues oh I had an emergency BS

he soon after shut his business before the BBB and LAW got involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

READ THE BELOW LINKS Complaint after complaint
Excuse after excuse
People even asking not to have his involvement

In the End Patterson kept money without refunding sent back broken and damaged items and even incomplete work sure some ok comments but look at the track record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can only Hope someone brings him to Justice and Puts him in Jail where he belongs
Pete Bouvier and others almost did recent years call and ASK em

Now go TYPE on Google Patrick Scott Patterson and show US something from before 2004 by him done with him or about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson's short cuts and cries for help are finally backfiring from his own fan base

 Patrick Scott Patterson's latest

SEE I'm fortunate to be friends with a lot of creative and driven people on here. I see your successes... your milestones... and your struggles and stresses.

Reply: You are very fortunate to be able to live off your wife who appears to be a moderate successful teacher, and her handling the struggles you forcefully allow her to endure such, in return you using anyone you can from their death to their connections for your own agenda and wallet.....

This is for you.

Reply: No this is for yourself to keep embedding your life will get better but instead trying to twist the facts into you being some sort of Philosopher, or  Political expert in which you are just an ordinary person, with many issues and wrong doings........

NOW Nothing's easy. I hear you... you work hard at what you do and you have big plans with it all. But to get there, you are going to have to be willing to take some damage. You are going to learn a lot about yourself, as long as you keep going.

Reply: It must feel good Patrick to say dear diary publicly, and reflect on your short cuts, using others and damaging people including yourself and family in the process!!!

LOOK You have to self-promote. In a world of squeaky wheels, you have to be willing to be one yourself... or those who are will roll right past you. The idea that simply working hard at what you do will bring you opportunities is a myth... a fairy tale. You are going to have to put yourself out there. Some won't like it. Some will think it's being braggadocious or even arrogant.

Reply: So in your opening statement here on this paragraph you admit your have be dirty or underhanded or even corrupt to make it, squeaky wheels are not correct wheels, your willing to roll over and pass others even if it means lying, cheating, stealing and even having accessories help. I love this Patrick since when is living off your wife, and sitting posting on social media 18 hours a day and driving in ur car that was co signed, hard work and yes it's a fairy tale alright... In the real hard working world and honest world, working hard will bring opportunities, promotions and it's no fairy tale, you do have to take beatings and deal with people like you to get there, but just like you in the end they bury themselves!!!!!! Patrick there is nothing to brag about on your end as a matter of fact it's sad many feel sorry for you!!!!! and to boot Braggadocious is not a word. and your Arrogance is a daily issue, even your own sheep followers are fed up with......

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.

Reply: you realize you said this 7 times??????

NOW You have to be aggressive. Little to nothing is ever going to fall into your lap. If you aren't willing to be aggressive, those who are will run right over you on the way to your goal. Being aggressive is going to rub some people the wrong way. It will come across as abrasive to some.

Reply: If your idea of being Aggressive and Abrasive means, lying, cheating, scamming people which clearly you have than that's not a price to pay, it's dirty deeds and evil actions.

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#2

NOW You have to put in the time. That means evenings. That means weekends. That means putting off new movies and hanging out with your friends. If you aren't willing to do that, the people who are will pass you by 100 percent of the time. That means you're going to be tired. That means you are going to have to ignore temptation.

Reply: yes like putting time away from your family, missing life, subtracting years from life, and avoiding temptation like following young girls around that look like Katy Perry and Drew Barrymore in hopes of scoring and calling them your best friends, it's not a price it's called Adultry and and there will be a price to pay to your lord above someday, my guess is you will be extremely vetted upon being allowed in!!!!

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#3

NOW You are going to battle your own self-doubts. You are going to run into your own fears and anxiety. You are going to need to understand that every single successful person ever has had to deal with them just the same. That means you are going to have to force yourself a lot of the time.

Reply: I hate to break it to you Patrick Not everyone has to deal with the same fears, anxiety, because not everyone has taken dirty backdoor short cuts, or lied or used people to pretend they are some sort of Importance, In fact many also don't use the Liberal snowflake in your case cornflake attitude to think it will help them become successful, being fake is not the key.....

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#4

You are going to deal with haters. There are going to be people who rip on you no matter how you do your thing. There are going to be people make big deals over things you find small. There are going to be people who lie about you. There are going to be people who spend so much time on you that you don't know how they have time for anything else. There are going to be times when those who do so are people you once thought were friends.

Reply: They hate you because you don't do legit actions or even care to attempt any, you get ripped when you are caught lying, from scores in gaming, to gigs you never auditioned for, living a Truman Show life will get you ripped, and called out. Patrick nobody lies about you they expose you, and you lie about yourself, you spend more time on others than they ever spend on you, the footprints of your IP address and times are obvious, you lost friends because they figured you out!!!!

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#5

BUT There are going to be times where you come up short. There are going to be things you spend a lot of time on that doesn't pan out. There are going to be times where you doubt what you're doing, or you are going to have to shift gears into a totally different direction than you originally wanted to. This is going to cause you stress.

Reply: Yes like coming up short with money you stole from people for Arcade Repairs and never returned to make excuses and saying you were sick, in which carried over to the late 2000s, of course spending time writing about dead people, fake incomplete historical info, and playing the victim and of course the can do no wrong lifestyle and I am never wrong or sorry, is a potential medical illness, and of course you doubt and change positions like politicians, it's what professional liars do, and your Conscience kicks in no matter how evil you are and the guilt comes into play.

That's a price you have to pay. You keep going.#6

NOW At this point, I feel I've scouted my friend's list here well enough to believe that all of you can keep going. I see people who I think can do anything and reach any goal as long as they keep going. I typically drop those who I see making excuses or blaming others.... or who stay satisfied with the low-lying fruit. Too many do that.... I don't feel like any/many of you fit that description, though.

Reply: You feel you weeded out normal see right through your lies attitude for sure, and silencing the mainstream majority of logic, while obtaining your sheep in the process, you hate seeing blame and flames put on the guilty people like yourself, you been involved in more dirty situations than many criminals that lurk our streets, which explains why you defend BLM, Pizza Gate, Voted for the antichrist and want refugees and crime and the freeload world, living off govt is the biggest signal sir.

Keep going.#7

Conclusion Below *** ALERT ALERT ALERT ***














Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson Lets everyone know he is mad about being called out for being white trailer park boy


He says:

NOW It's come to my attention that my use of the phrase "rescue" for various games and consoles is bothering some people.

Response #1Which means it is bothering to him mentally in so many ways and levels he must cry about it.

NOW Re quoting the song can't be held responsible just re vamped words like his life and articles.
AND For the life of me, I can't understand why. Of course, we're talking about an Internet world here that has made things in the past out of my socks, fingernails and occasional food habits, so I guess this isn't the goofiest complaint I've heard.

Response #2 There were no socks on his feet on his dirty, and never shampooed carpet, during some backwoods interview. His fingernails are always dirty which would alert a major hygiene issue, and since by looking at a person who resembles beeker and cannot see their own voice box or apple, no matter HOW high he lifts his neck, would indicate fast food 7 days a week, wings beer and junk food....

NOW For clarity: I use the term "rescue" when an item is slated for discarding or destruction... or is at risk of it. The Pac-Man arcade upright from last fall, for example, was going to be sledgehammered that weekend had I not come along.... and clearly the black box NES stuff that sat in an abandoned RV for 30 years was seriously at risk of not surviving into the future.

I use that term only when appropriate and only to create further awareness of the fact that video game items are discarded and/or destroyed at an alarming rate and always have been.

Response #3 First off Patrick you are not saving or rescuing people, animals or anything that is life worthy, you are obtaining, dumpster diving, goodwill hunting and driving around garbage picking, while Melissa Works and you collect wefare, aca, and other assistance, prob disabled from all the wrestling years....

I do NOT use the term, however, when I simply find an item in a yard sale or thrift store or what have you. I phrase those as "finds" just like anything else, because they were just 'right place, right time' things for me.

Response #4 Nobody cares what terms you use if they are correct and honestly nobody wants to read about you crying to pity as to why you use your incorrect terms and change of words on a daily basis

Now if someone can explain how anyone who claims to love video games can have a problem with my efforts to keep video game stuff above ground and in circulation... with a portion of it all going to
 charity no less... then y'all have figured out something I'm missing here.

Response #5 You are not putting efforts for anything but easy cash in your pocket, your not helping anything or cause or anyone for that matter, people do what you do since 1976 and it's nothing more than look at me look at me I have all this stuff that might have gotten thrown away to cash in on, which you didn't speak of at all or do in 2005 all till 2016 Y'ALL is not English btw Patrick

Unbelievable that one word that I've only used for a few weeks could trigger people who you'd think would support ANYONE's efforts to prevent stuff they claim to like from being trashed.

That said... back to it.

Response#6 You are right it's unreal you pretend like your some savoir or doing something good when it's nothing original just another day of copy cat life in Texas!!!!!!

Patrick Scott Patterson I considered that term, but it tends to be connected too much to "trash" that way. Already enough false claims that I "dumpster dive", which is not truthful. It also wouldn't fit situations where something is pulled from a garage or attic after decades... or that nasty ass RV.

Response#7 Dumpster diving is the same as going onto a crack head abandoned old RV that you saw was a crime scene most like u broke the law trespassing, but of course it's ok because you are a known criminal act person.

Patrick Scott Patterson Especially when it's really friggin' easy to just not go look at someone's social media or whatever. There are people out there who you could say I'm not a fan of.... and guess what, I don't ever know what they are doing or saying unless someone tells me... because I don't go look. It's pretty easy.

Response #8 More Lies Patrick you have reported a dozen of Rudy J. Ferretti's blogs and posts and videos nearly every morning you awake, before Melissa makes you, your captain crunch, because we know you have no clue how to light a stove or make eggs, you look and watch and report everything Rudy does....... and others

I think of CM Punk's quote about a parody done of him: "I'm split 50/50 on it. Some days I get real pissed about it, because it's disrespectful. I'm sure it's no secret that the dorks that run Chikara and I don't get along, so they're [sic] judgement on trying to 'mock' me is a little off. Most other days I just laugh it off because nobody from Chikara will ever be over enough anywhere for anybody else to parody them"


Why are you pissed about getting mocked and called out for your ill doings ?
Ill tell you why because you were in hopes you be able to live the dirty underhanded life you have been since at least 2005 forever!!!!! You don't Laugh it off you call people and cry saying I am just trying to feed my family why is everyone hating on me, just like you did with Jace Hall

Just like now your a part of LORT a money embezzeling group refusing to show tax returns and people BIG names like Hollyanne Setola and others left, so unethical people like you can take over!!!!